12 Types of Social Oppression

Rear View Of Man At Protest March
Pradeep Kumar / EyeEm / Getty Images

In a social justice context, oppression is what happens when individuals or groups of people are discriminated against or otherwise treated unjustly, whether by the government, private organizations, individuals, or other groups. (The word comes from the Latin root "opprimere," which means "pressed down.") Here are 12 different forms of oppression—although the list is by no means comprehensive.

The categories describe patterns of behavior and not necessarily belief systems. A person can have strong beliefs in favor of social equality and still practice oppression through their actions. In many cases, these categories of oppression overlap in such a way that one person can potentially deal with multiple forms of oppression and privilege at the same time. The experience of multiple and differing forms of oppression is described by the term "intersectionality."


Sign says "sexism is a social disease"
Scott Barbour / Getty Images

Sexism, or the belief that cisgender men are superior to cisgender women on the basis of sex, has been an almost universal condition of civilization. Whether rooted in biology or culture or both, sexism tends to force women into subservient, restrictive roles that many do not want, and to force men into dominant, competitive roles that many do not want.


Same-sex couples now face the same legal and financial issues as heterosexual couples; some may need to adopt simpler, more mainstream financial plans.


Heterosexism describes the pattern in which people are assumed to be heterosexual. Since not everybody is heterosexual, the outliers may be punished with ridicule, restriction of partnership rights, discrimination, arrest, and even death.

Cisgenderism or Cisnormativity

Trans man with his wife
Transgender people do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. Patryce Bak / Getty Images

Cisgender refers to people whose gender identity is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Cisgenderism or cisnormativity is a form of oppression that assumes that everyone who is assigned male at birth exists as a man and everyone who is assigned female at birth exists as a woman. Cisgenderism discriminates against and does not take into account people who do not identify with their assigned sex at birth, and the gender roles associated with them or those who do not have clearly defined or binary gender roles (binary transgender people or nonbinary transgender people).


three men wearing suits and hats drinking champagne

Tim Graham / Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Classism is a social pattern in which wealthy or influential people congregate with each other and oppress those who are less wealthy or less influential. Classism also establishes rules about whether and under what circumstances members of one class may cross over into another class—for example, via marriage or work.


Hands holding up a sign that reads "racism is a pandemic too."

LumiNola / Getty Images

Whereas bigotry means having an intolerance for people of other races and religions, racism assumes that those from other races are actually genetically inferior human beings. Racism acts on this belief with political, systemic, social, and institutional power. Power is necessary to operationalize racism. Without it, beliefs of genetic inferiority are simply prejudice. Racism has prevailed throughout human history as a justification for a host of oppressive actions.


Overhead view of three woman of color

Erica Cervantez

Colorism is a social pattern in which people are treated differently based on the amount of visible melanin in the skin. A number of studies show that lighter-skinned Black Americans or Latinos receive preferential treatment over their darker-skinned counterparts. Colorism is not the same thing as racism, but the two tend to go together.


Learning Disabilities at Work - People using a computer in their office.
Getty Images

Ableism is a social pattern in which people who are disabled are treated differently, to an unnecessary degree, than those who are not. This could take the form of either not accommodating those with physical or mental disabilities or treating them as if they are unable to live without assistance.



Nadia Bormotova / Getty Images 

Lookism is a social pattern in which people whose faces and/or bodies fit social ideals are treated differently from people whose faces and/or bodies do not. Standards of beauty vary from culture to culture, but just about every human society has them.


Overweight Mature Person With Lower Back, Lumbar Pain
Universal Images Group / Getty Images

Sizeism or fatphobia is a social pattern in which people whose bodies fit social ideals are treated differently from people whose bodies do not. In contemporary Western society, people with a slender build are generally considered more attractive than people who are heavy.


Young hands holding older person's hands
Getty Images

Ageism is a social pattern in which people of a certain chronological age are treated differently, to an unnecessary degree, than those who are not. One example is Hollywood's unspoken "expiration date" for women, a date beyond which it is difficult to get work because a person is no longer considered young and/or attractive. 


Families belong together. Thousands Across U.S March In Support Of Keeping Immigrant Families Together

David McNew / Stringer / Getty Images

Nativism is a social pattern in which people who are born in a given country are treated differently from those who immigrate to it, to the benefit of natives. 


Native American activists
Native American advocate Russell Means at a press conference at Boston University in 1971.

Spencer Grant / Getty Images

Colonialism is a social pattern in which people who are born in a given country are treated differently from those who immigrate to it, usually to the benefit of a specific identifiable group of powerful immigrants. This involves a process of powerful immigrants overtaking the country and holistically exploiting its resources.

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Your Citation
Head, Tom. "12 Types of Social Oppression." ThoughtCo, Feb. 26, 2021, thoughtco.com/types-of-oppression-721173. Head, Tom. (2021, February 26). 12 Types of Social Oppression. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/types-of-oppression-721173 Head, Tom. "12 Types of Social Oppression." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/types-of-oppression-721173 (accessed May 1, 2024).